February 07, 2006

Thank God They're Gone

I am so glad to be by myself again. All that conversation and comfortable sleep and love can get to a guy.
It was actually good timing that they left on Sunday; Monday morning at 3:38 the building's fire alarm went off. As opposed to the annoying beep of my personal smoke detector from a few weeks ago, this was a screeching wail that could have probably been heard in Cincinnati and would no doubt have damaged my son's personal growth.
Once I hit my clock alarm, white noise machine, lamp, desk, anything to make it stop, I finally got up and put some sweats on to investigate. Since my apartment is primarily made up of
  • A) Cement,
  • B) Metal, and
  • C) Sprinklers
and I was neither hot nor drenched, I figured it was some post-Super Bowl partied-out drunk yahoo who had pulled an alarm for fun before leaving the building, bringing me back to Freshman year at college, where fire alarms were a thrice-nightly event. I crawled into a ball on the couch, stuck my fingers in my ears, and waited for the fire trucks to arrive and assess the situation and please make it stop.

It has also dropped into the 20s and 30s after being relatively niceish during their visit, so again, good timing all around for the boyo's first plane trip. Though his first night he woke up with a funny asthmatic breathing pattern that had us worried for a second. It was as if his nose had the hiccups. But he stopped after a while.

He seemed to recognize me, and I enjoyed being able to get him to go to sleep in my arms after fussing in his crib, but Daddiness still feels temporary and sporadic.
Roll on, President's Day weekend.


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