June 02, 2006

Snakes on a Plain

So a funny fauna thing happened in Ryan's room the other day.
Ainsley wanted to show me something in the light, so she guided me towards the window. On her finger was a little itty bitty deer tick she had found on her person; the type we should be looking for on the animals, she said. But as I was looking at her hand, I got a glimpse of a deflated bicycle tire in the back yard, which I thought was odd since a) my bike is in Dayton, b) I had just been in the back yard and didn't notice it there and c) it was moving.
So I was able to trump her little doodle bug with a full-blown carnivorous man-eating back-yard python.

Don't want none unless you got buns, hon.

Ever the animal lover, I tried to coax it out of the yard with a Ho-Ho and some moves I learned on "Stomp", but I got a pointed tongue and an epileptic tail thrown my way for my troubles. Eventually, what we're calling a "she" poured herself into a hole by a small wall divider to no doubt lay eggs and dig a tunnel into our dryer.
So if anyone's interested, we know of a nice house on Pocomoke that's for sale.


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