March 07, 2008

Way Rad

Spent the last two days at the Foreign Service Institute in nearby Arlington, taking a Combating WMD Terrorism course put on by a branch of the State Department. Some pretty cool content, and it got me out of the office for a couple days, not to mention sleeping in until 7 and helping Ryan shave on the side of my sink. ("More cleam, please daddy?")
Lecturers included an Undersecretary of State, a U of Maryland professor from Sooth Efrica, and members from Homeland Security, the National Counter-Proliferation Center, Dep. of Energy, and a couple from DTRA. The professor brought up the good point that we need to stop calling these things WMD, since most (except for nuclear weapons) don't actually cause destruction; a biological attack isn't going to destroy anything, but it will disrupt the hell out of a country.
Working on an Air War College paper all weekend, which is probably a good thing since it's supposed to be cold and rainy. Certainly not good for the rest of the fam, bouncing off walls or watching "Cars" for the 137th time. 'Course, Ryan calls it "Sally and McQueen", even though Sally doesn't appear in the thing for like 42 minutes, but I can't get him to switch. Still calls it a "tiguar", still calls it "Mugis." At least "Grandad" is no longer "DahDa." So no need to see the elocutionist just yet.
I'm going to need to buy some slippers. Nearly a nightly ritual to walk Erin around at waist level in her car seat, bouncing around, pant legs shooshing, until she finally falls asleep, and the ceramic floor is just murdering my feet. I bought Ainsley a kitchen gel mat for Christmas; maybe I should just buy thirteen more of those.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you can take comfort in the fact that two adults in Colorado Springs are doing the exact same thing you are doing in the middle of the night, only with their four week old son. I really like my Lands End slippers-great cushioning. You should give them a try. Say hi to Ainsley for me.

Kathy T.

11:54 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

see, that just makes them sound all 'girly'. know any 'dude' brands? Harley Davidson? Guns & Ammo?

12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry. Next time I'll say my "Glock" or "Cabella" slippers-better?


2:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do they call them "slippers?" I thought the point was to prevent you from slipping on the linoleum?

9:14 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

"Unlaceables" sounds too retarted.

Linoleum? LINOLEUM? Do you not READ this blog? We got a third mortgage to pay for new floors! Pay attention!

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lacelesses not unlaceables.

Was there a new floor? I didn't notice.

6:59 PM  

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