August 30, 2008

Spidey Sense: Failure

"Who was that rubbing my shoulders when I was on the phone?" I asked the boss.

"The Chief of Staff."


I mean, I knew he was in the office and all, having stood at attention when he entered, but still. Had work to do. Arrangements to make.

Four-star generals to snub.

I had to brief him later on that day. Very pleasant gentleman. Easy to talk to. Got out of work at 6:02, a record for the week. My daughter takes a few seconds to study my face before smiling when I get home. Ryan is already in pajamas.
Erin had slept 8 hours straight the night before, after being up all day battling a cold and any attempts to nap. 8 hours! I saw Ainsley smile in the morning! It was like two suns rising!

Back to work today for six hours, battling a missing R: drive and misspelled Turkish names and nonresponsive restaurant group sales managers and a chilling photograph of Michael Jackson at age 50 before getting picked up by the fam to go out to Dulles and meet a friend enjoying a five-hour layover before flying to...Turkey.
It's been a gobbilicious couple of weeks.


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