So we got to see a living legend (that most people would apparently want dead) the other day. 
Dad got free tickets from the office to see the Nationals play the Giants on Tuesday, with the seats way down the left field line. And Barry Bonds, Left Fielder and Steroid Poster Child (allllleged!), decides a week ago to start playing again. Made it a rather difficult section of the stadium to sit in for three hours. People booing, others clapping, everyone wanting a picture, an almost constant "Bear-Reeeee! Bear-Reeee!" People were being jerks, basically, even holding up asterisks when he hit the field (implying his records are tainted).
"You're a disgrace to the game!" "Your father would be ashamed!" Even a seven-year-old kid felt he had to get in on the act. "Nobody likes you-ou!" I really wanted to chime in with my two cents: "You're really old!"
So of course he hits a towering blast in the fourth inning, and draws a walk in the ninth with two outs so the next guy can hit a three-run homer to win the game.
I took a picture of Rafael Palmiero last year...let's see what happens with the Incredible Bulk, here.

Dad got free tickets from the office to see the Nationals play the Giants on Tuesday, with the seats way down the left field line. And Barry Bonds, Left Fielder and Steroid Poster Child (allllleged!), decides a week ago to start playing again. Made it a rather difficult section of the stadium to sit in for three hours. People booing, others clapping, everyone wanting a picture, an almost constant "Bear-Reeeee! Bear-Reeee!" People were being jerks, basically, even holding up asterisks when he hit the field (implying his records are tainted).

So of course he hits a towering blast in the fourth inning, and draws a walk in the ninth with two outs so the next guy can hit a three-run homer to win the game.

I took a picture of Rafael Palmiero last year...let's see what happens with the Incredible Bulk, here.
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