I didn't walk the pig
Apparently, he's not friendly.
But imagine my surprise to see him back in there in the dog kennels! My wife's Humane Society used to get goats and ducks and horses and snakes and stuff, but I was taken aback by what I thought at first was the FUGliest dog I'd ever...
Trey and Lori and last week's Great Dane were adopted this week, but Mickee has been decreed temporarily unadoptable thanks to last week's biting incident. So now people can't even go look at her cowering away in her kennel. She seems to do all right with me, so I gently led her outside in the brisk 24-degree weather for a tinkle and a skritch under the collar, and I told her flat out, as her legs trembled while stepping up to me to lick me on the nose, that if I didn't already have dogs...
At least she doesn't have it as bad off as Chester, who had to be put down for attacking Emily's throat. She's recovering nicely. I walked her today; she's part beagle, part dirigible.
Whoo! She's a big girl. But tons of energy.
Actually, I was greeted at the front counter by Lady, who's no Slim Pickens herself. Picture a Corgie mixed with a Guinea Pig, then enlarged ten times.
Still, I'd rather see them fat than skinny; I walked two neglect case dogs, a great yellow lab named Stanley
and a young girl hound with a beige butt named Thea.
Thea was VERY timid at first, but once I got a belly rub in, she was Captain Spasmatron.
And then there's Tiger, who's been there for months, now. She's big, she barks, but she's o so friendly. Very cute when she sits. Just needs some training. And to get out of the prison. Gah!
The place isn't fit for a pig!
But imagine my surprise to see him back in there in the dog kennels! My wife's Humane Society used to get goats and ducks and horses and snakes and stuff, but I was taken aback by what I thought at first was the FUGliest dog I'd ever...
Trey and Lori and last week's Great Dane were adopted this week, but Mickee has been decreed temporarily unadoptable thanks to last week's biting incident. So now people can't even go look at her cowering away in her kennel. She seems to do all right with me, so I gently led her outside in the brisk 24-degree weather for a tinkle and a skritch under the collar, and I told her flat out, as her legs trembled while stepping up to me to lick me on the nose, that if I didn't already have dogs...
At least she doesn't have it as bad off as Chester, who had to be put down for attacking Emily's throat. She's recovering nicely. I walked her today; she's part beagle, part dirigible.

Actually, I was greeted at the front counter by Lady, who's no Slim Pickens herself. Picture a Corgie mixed with a Guinea Pig, then enlarged ten times.

And then there's Tiger, who's been there for months, now. She's big, she barks, but she's o so friendly. Very cute when she sits. Just needs some training. And to get out of the prison. Gah!

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