One of these is a professional



...but the other two need to get adopted, so get thine arse collective down to 1661 Nicholas Rd immediadamentay.
Chudo has been there a while. It's a good photo -- he's often up on his crate in his kennel. (He's bouncy.) Asia's still here, but Alaura and Sheba were adopted. And there were a bunch of empty kennels, so that's nice. Walked an energetic tri-color hound named Syllus who scratched my arm from jumping up, and when I put him back in his home, I heard from the next (I thought) empty kennel over a BAM...BAM...BAM...BAM... and saw that it was a dog outside on her run slamming her door over and over with her paw but without the sense to walk through the opening before it shut. I had to go in the kennel to hold the door open. Beautiful dog that looked like a black fox. With one blue eye.
A little cocker spaniel named Suzy Q was a dear, yelping little whines at being petted. And then I met Samuel, listed as being 8 years old, so either he's been a heavy smoker, or I've got the healthiest, robustiest, bestiest 8-yr-old dog in the world back home in Bailey Roo.
But at least I did my good Volunteer Deed of the Day when I informed the staff that Samuel's kennel had both a "Ready for Adoption" tag and a "Not Ready for Adoption" tag. I was asked to remove the latter, which I did with aplomb.
If you're interested in Pecorino, his photographs can be viewed at I saw him in this month's Smithsonian. Basically a dog that a photographer adopted who kept getting in the way of his pictures, so he just started photographing him in everything. Like Europe.
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