June 16, 2006

June 6th -- Like a Rock

Went in at 0900 to go over last-minute details for the Wright Brothers Lecture Series the end of the week -- a dress rehearsal, if you will. My audio-visual committee chair put me in charge of the speakers' lapel microphones, so I had to learn where they'd be, and where the guests of honor would be gathering when so I could find them and mike 'em up beforehand. Nothing like being able to say I stuck my hand down the waistband of a former Air Force Chief of Staff, no sir.

Back to the apartment, changed into dogworthy clothes for my final trip to the Humane Society. Very typical day -- a joy to be with the animules, a bear to deal with the conditions I find them living in. I wanted to talk to the director before I left to let him know HEY COULD A STAFF MEMBER CLEAN UP THE DOG SHIT IN THE CAGES SO THEY (the dogs) WILL GET ADOPTED but he was off on some TV shoot. So I played with Phoebe and Banjo, brought in together because their owner had died
(Banjo looked angry, but it's just a tremendous underbite; wagged her butt at me). Said good bye to Ben and Brenda and Bill Nye
and even took a small puppy (who didn't have a collar) out in the fenced in yard for a romp, who showed his appreciation by peeing up my thigh as I was hugging him.
Oh well.
I told the one staff lady that knew me that it was my last day. "Oh! Well! Thank you for volunteering! You were very reliable!"
As is your basic radial tire.


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