June 25, 2006

We laughed from the diaphragmalot

Ainsley wore a dress yesterday.
More importantly, she had fabric from neck to knee. No openings, gaps, slats, slots, snaps, or avenues needed, as Grandad hadhad graciously offered to babysit YET again for the second half of our anniversary celebration -- tickets to go see Monty Python's SPAMALOT! in Washington, D.C. with a dinner beforehand at the Old Ebbitt's grill. I had the trout parmesan.

My jaw hit the forest floor when I learned Ainsley had bought tickets for us, and I'd been looking forward to the show for a month. She didn't know a thing about it but was happy because I was happy. That's like me taking her to some Brookes & Duncan country concert. That's love, right there.
Reading the program, however, she saw that the musical was based on the "Holy Grail" movie, which she'd seen maybe fifteen years ago (at my Dad's! when we weren't even dating! how strange!) so at least she had some reference point.
The show was just wonderful, start to finish; it never gives you the opportunity to stop laughing. And we had great third row seats just off to the side, so we could see everyone's facial expressions, feel the thump of the dancing, catch everyone's spittle.

Catchy songs, great sets, clever humor, bad puns (my favorite kind) -- as when a girl pulls a cart full of hay across the stage just in time for the company to sing, "Hey!"

Dad had even gotten Ryan to sleep in his crib, so a stress-free, wonderful date night.

Of course, then there were the rough 12:30-to-5:30 am hours, but that's for the baby book.


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