October 12, 2006


I'm batting about .147 in the get-Ryan-to-sleep department in the past month. Last successful try was at 4:40 in the morning on Sunday after Ainsley had tried for an hour and a half for the third time all night and he was finally good and tired. Nothing like someone else's leftovers.

It hasn't helped that Ryan has been sick for nearly a month with a cold and now a double ear infection. Forget this sleeping-through-the-night milestone crap. I'd be happy if he slept through a sitcom. But it's disheartening to walk into his room when he's crying in his crib and for him to look over your shoulder, expecting She With NonFuzzy Chest. There have been so many instances this week where there was just nothing I could do. Ryan pulls away, points at the door, points at the rocking chair, makes the 'nurse?' hand signal, pats out "FEED ME" in morse code on my shoulder, points at his open mouth with both fingers and says "heLLO!", etc., and all I can do is sway and rock and sing and I also type pretty fast but all that does me no good at O-dark-all-night-thirty and the boy wants his mommy but She Needs A Break after being up for a hundred and seventy thousand hours straight.

Can't wait to have five more!


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