April 17, 2007

I'd Camera In the Morning

As many digital photos as we've taken in the past eighteen months* there are still some Ryan-centric events I wish I could have captured for my posterior. Saturday he was stomping around in water puddles on the driveway, happy as can be, able to balance and stomp stomp stomp. Sunday he high-fived with Bailey, and Monday he blew a soap bubble out a monkey stick.

*four kajillion

What I would like to do is take a picture of Ryan sleeping. It would be akin to a snapshot of Bigfoot having a Loch Ness Monster sandwich: yes, that rare.
I have yet to get Ryan to sleep since returning from Russia, and despite the fact that he seems to LOVE sleep once he gets there, often going through the night for 10+ hours, he just refuses to just give in to the sandman's bag-beatings, crying his fool head off, wandering back and forth in his crib like a caged tiger, or stacking his stuffed animals in some mini-me ciruque du soleil pipe dream. It's annoying and frustrating and slightly embarrassing to realize my son's bedtime is becoming later than mine.


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