Snotty By Nature
Not sure if it's just the natural cycle of virusii or the coming of the spring (with three freezing nights in a row? har!), but for the first time in memory, Ainsley, Ryan, and I were all sick at the same time. Fortunately, it's just colds we're all trying to get over, though the wife and I are slightly more dignified in the nasal drip removal process than little man. The man looks like he's pulling a cheesy piece of pizza away from his face sometimes.
Further illin' is being performed by Griffin, who somehow hurt his right front shoulder, most likely bounding down our back hill to bark at squirrels, dogs, or nothing, as he does. But he yelped in pain at 3 o'clock in the morning last Thursday, probably just from rolling over on it. He seemed to be getting better, but yesterday he yelped again, prompting Ainsley to ask who I'd stepped on getting out of bed. A quick visit to the vet got him some doggie ibuprofen and instructions for R& I basically have to walk him around in the backyard instead of letting him dart out like a rocket.
Spent a lovely Easter evening at the Boivins' house, where the showdown between Ryan & Chloe is getting a little more even, now that Ryan has the height leverage that standing and walking provides. Ryan is now confident enough that if Chloe barks at him, he just barks back. "woo-woo-woo", it goes, chin jutted out, finger a stern point, but usually leaning up against Daddy or Grandad.
My brother Tim flew in from England for a ten-day visit, coinciding with my mom's four-day visit from Oklahoma. Ryan has sure changed in the respective fifteen- and twelve-month gaps in seeing him, and they're chuckled to death over his ability to use sign language. "Uncle" Tim is particularly curious as to why the sign for 'cold' (making two fists and faux-shivering)
has to be undertaken with such vim and vigor, with sound effects, red face, "forehead veins bulging"... my son, the emoter.
Further illin' is being performed by Griffin, who somehow hurt his right front shoulder, most likely bounding down our back hill to bark at squirrels, dogs, or nothing, as he does. But he yelped in pain at 3 o'clock in the morning last Thursday, probably just from rolling over on it. He seemed to be getting better, but yesterday he yelped again, prompting Ainsley to ask who I'd stepped on getting out of bed. A quick visit to the vet got him some doggie ibuprofen and instructions for R& I basically have to walk him around in the backyard instead of letting him dart out like a rocket.
Spent a lovely Easter evening at the Boivins' house, where the showdown between Ryan & Chloe is getting a little more even, now that Ryan has the height leverage that standing and walking provides. Ryan is now confident enough that if Chloe barks at him, he just barks back. "woo-woo-woo", it goes, chin jutted out, finger a stern point, but usually leaning up against Daddy or Grandad.
My brother Tim flew in from England for a ten-day visit, coinciding with my mom's four-day visit from Oklahoma. Ryan has sure changed in the respective fifteen- and twelve-month gaps in seeing him, and they're chuckled to death over his ability to use sign language. "Uncle" Tim is particularly curious as to why the sign for 'cold' (making two fists and faux-shivering)

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