July 12, 2007

Thank you, crappy Toyota

Stuck at a light this afternoon, I read a bumper sticker on the car in front of me that I realized probably suits my philosophy of life to an unfortunate tee:

Comfort the Disturbed

Disturb the Comfortable

Ryan has gotten up before 0630 the last two days, for no reason we can fathom. Not waking up crying, just ... up. Ready for the day. "Mommy?" I heard him today while said Mommypants was downstairs fixing me a lovely cup of tea, so I picked him up and changed his diaper and then walked into the closet to get dressed. As soon as he saw me pull my uniform off the hangar, he said, "Bye-bye." So someone knows what work is.
Work has gotten steady, which is good. Finishing up an annual rewrite of our operating procedures, working my upcoming rotation, writing someone's departure medal, and continuing the planning of the Colonel's retirement ceremony has kept me thankfully busy but not overwhelmed. Especially since I've barely done anything off Protocol's retirement ceremony checklist. I called his admin troop, a great girl who just got picked up for Master Sergeant. I told her I was running the checklist, and wanted to make sure I wasn't duplicating any efforts.
"Do you know if a plaque has been ordered?"
"Oh. And a coin?"
"How about his retirement orders?"
"Up at 11th Wing awaiting signature."
"...His medal?"
"Already submitted."
"...Retirement certificate?"
"Up at the boss's office."
"......So what the hell am I doing?"
"Well, you're in charge."
I think not.
Ryan continues to tickle his grandparents' fancy. The other night, he was close to being done with dinner, and found some food stuck to his fingers. Rather than wipe it on his bib or put it on his plate, he flicked it to the floor.
"Ryan, no," said his father.
Then he found another piece and again slowly let it drop to the floor.
"Ryan," said his mother forcefully, "what do we do with food?"

Think think think think

"Bailey?" he called.

It was all he could do for Grandpa to swallow his laughs behind his napkin.


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