June 29, 2007


One of Ryan's favorite toys is the phone. Only our phones aren't toys and we had to stop giving him our cells because he pushed enough buttons to call Sri Lanka or get onto the internet and have us charged fees for surfing. But at first he just liked the beeps and songs, then he started mimicking us by going "Blah Blah Blah" (that's a direct quote) with the phone on the side of his head. Or anything sleek, bent, and hand-sized, for that matter. I'm surprised he hasn't put a banana to his ear and called Guatemala.
Only now that he's found his voice, we're not exactly sure who his parents are. Because instead of saying "hello?" when he puts a phone to his ear, it comes out "Ah-loo?" like little Lord Font Le Roi.

Went to a buddy's Lt Col pin-on ceremony today at the Defense Intelligence Agency. Pretty cool building. Very glassy. But I hadn't seen him or his wife in over two years, and I also witnessed his pin-on to Major four years ago when we worked together in Colorado Springs, so all in all it was worth getting stuck in DC traffic to go.

Day 91 of our "7- to 10-day" project has passed with them being a snake's navel away from finally being out of our hair. If only they could find someone in the county with a level -- perhaps even a string tied between two objects -- so they could make a little 15-inch banister not crooked. If only.

The two-year-old directly across the cul de sac got a basketball hoop today. Uh-oh.

More Ryan words: zebra, hold it, hippo, olive, tube, okay, comment-allez-vous, spankmuffin


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