June 13, 2007

Random bits

Well, that other wall had a smudge, so I figure I could just touch it up a little with the paint roller since it was handy and coated with paint already, what a good deed I'd be doing.
Of course, the off-yellow color on the roller is a gnat's nad off from the actual color on the wall.
So last night it was painting two entire long walls, in and around doors and the fireplace, till 11:15pm, to fix my mistake.
This is why I got a C- in art at Eggleston Elementary. Apparently a triceratops wasn't an appropriate choice for demonstrating 'shading'.

We bought a rug for the dining room finally. Even though we have like seventeen down in the basement, they're all the wrong color taupe or too big or too narrow or too scratchy or too flammable. Unrolled the new carpet; just fits. Even though we just spent bewkew bucks to retile the dining room, it makes more sense to have a food and animal catch-all, plus the wooden chairs make a cat-shuddering screeching noise across the tile anytime you move an inch. So, looks good, feels right, kitties like to play with the flower patterns. Only we realized we still have to seal the grout. Carpet rolled up. Sitting in garage with the rest of the junk.

At the end of a meal, I was trying to keep Ryan happy and unwhiney, so I clapped my hands over my head in a slow, steady arc as if leading a stadium cheer. Ryan paused, staring at my arms as they swayed up in the air like great daddy wings. I stopped. Ryan made the sign for "more" and said "Mo!" Yes, I said, my name is Moe. Cheerleader Moe. "Go, Moe," they tell me. But sometimes they root for my adversaries. So they say "Go Moe Foes."
It may have been lack of sleep or inhaling too much paint dust, but at the time that seemed the funniest thing I'd said in eight or ten years.

I'm trying to get my annual fitness test accomplished, but since I'm on a profile for running, I have to take a test on a bike hooked up to a computer to gauge my max VO2 output. Which no one in the civilized world understands, but that's the deal. Only my admin troop said she couldn't get a hold of her contact at the Pentagon's bike test place (they don't have one at DTRA) to schedule my test. I did some research on my own, and found out the reason she was having trouble reaching him was that he was currently deceased. Valuable information to have, one would think.

Ryan loves to identify things he recognizes. Apparently when he helps unload dishes, he points out which mug is usually used by which member of the family. Same with clothes coming out of the washer. ID's each one. "Yes, Ryan. That's daddy's sock. There are fifty-eight more just like it in there, can we move it along?"
We had a friend over for dinner Friday. The table was all set, and Ryan walked in and saw wine glasses.
"Mimaa?" he asked Ainsley.
Seems his grandmother's got a reputation.


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