June 01, 2007


"Short" week, my left arse.
Memorial Day I had the grand idea of taking mi espousa to the cinema for the first time since, oh, Empire Strikes Back came out. (Okay, maybe Cars.) Since we knew Grandad was feeling jealous about all the one-on-one time Mimaa had gotten with Ryan since Thursday night, we graced him with Ryan's presence (this is called "the drop-off") and headed to the movie theater around 4pm.
Where everything was sold out.
So we shopped for rugs. Movie... rectangular woolen kaleidoscope... same same.
We popped next door to try out the new Japanese steakhouse, and the food was excellent and the chef entertaining and he let me light the onion volcano on fire so BANZAI!
We picked up Ryan, up to his elbows in peas at the dinner table, and got him home in time for his chosen 10:18pm bedtime.

Tuesday while I was at work, my new hot tub was delivered (an AFIT graduation gift from Loveypants) and corrective work resumed in earnest on our deck and sunroom. Unfortunately, the hot tub was installed 180-degrees from where we needed it, so that was a fun twelve minutes of me grunting against its weight trying to spin it back around. Our electrician had asked us to fill the tub so he could start it the next day after finishing the work he had to do, delayed due to some truck of his catching fire or something. So after dinner I was out there with a flashlight making sure it didn't overflow. Ryan got to sleep by 10:40.

Wednesday evening Ryan and I went to the park; though it's starting to get in the low 90s here, I needed the fresh air after being cooped up at my desk all day. I'd been battling a cold or allergies all day, though, so I was pretty beat by nightfall. The electrician did some work, but nothing was connected to the tub, so there sat a bunch of luke-warm water. Not so therapeutic. After Ryan's bath, seventoothbrushing and cheering on my gargle, I simply got down on the floor next to Ryan's crib to see what he would do; he actually fell asleep himself by 9:20.

Thursday I went back to the clinic near me for the third time in five months to try to get my physical profile updated so I wouldn't have to run a mile and a half and destroy my already deteriorated back. After being bounced around from base to base all spring, I finally just brought in the paperwork I needed signed and scheduled up the physical part at the Pentagon, where I know they can do Air Force physicals. Ainsley had another ultrasound up in Bethesda, so as I was done first I picked up Ryan at her friend Debbie's, where he'd been napping late for an hour and a half (uh-oh). On the continuing sitcom front, the contractors had built the railing so that we couldn't open the lid to the hot tub, which didn't much matter anyway since our electrician broke the side of it by drilling into a thin wooden panel (and yet still hadn't started it up). We had some time to kill before meeting Dad at Olive Garden for dinner, so we got Ryan's hippie hairdo cut -- what is it about these non-George male barbers that can't cut Ryan's hair without him crying? The girls up the street do it and he's fine! After too much sugar for dessert (uh-oh), Ryan was not interested in staying horizontal at all. I think I even fell asleep on the floor, but when I heard nothing and started to get up, he was just sitting in the center of his mattress, regarding a blanket. He didn't get to sleep till almost quarter to midnight.

Six hours and a quarter later, I woke up, gave Ainsley a list of things still wrong with the project, and toodled off to work, actually enjoying my first non-hour-long accident-ensnared trip to work all week. I get to be the Ops Officer for the next two weeks while the current one and current standby are in Siberian Transit, which basically means I get to answer the phone and make slides for weekly briefings. And I am ALL ABOUT making slides.
And Dan stew: the hot tub is at 99 and rising.


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