March 16, 2008

Goof Proof Proof

If you're going to espouse on your packaging, you'd better know what you're talking about. Lay's Potato Chips: New Improved Taste! My left ass.

And the tube of Super Glue? "Goof Proof!" it screams. Yes, well. Tell that to the white acidic burn scars on the ends of three of my fingers and the piece of plastic glued to my workbench.

It's just my girth and vitality getting the better of me again. I went ahead and let Ainsley open up the box of GrapeNuts this morning lest our kitchen look like a let off a grenade in a bag of kitty litter.

Ryan slept in until 8 Saturday, giving him plenty of energy to walk around a local strip mall and participate in its Spring Festival, letting kids go door-to-door and trick or treat for plastic eggs with ... coupons to the stores in them. Nice. He's two, lady, he doesn't need a discount on drycleaning his work shirts.

Okay, some of them had chocolate, and they had a face painter and a balloon inflatestress and someone in bunny suit letting kids get their pictures taken. 'Course, thanks to my mother getting Ryan a book, recently, he had the name all wrong:

Ryan (waving frantically): "HELLO PETER RABBIT!"

But it was a lovely late winter day, and Ryan got to hang out with his friends Jack and Oliver, and lick on a lollipop for an hour and a half.

It was so nice out, I put on shorts and dug out three bags' worth of old leaves from the front bushes (and I'm still not done), before heading to the Boivins' to eat take out TexMex (There's Only One Way To Guac, I told Ryan) and an absolutely scrumptious seventeen-layer raspberry cake to celebrate Beth's 27th. At home, Ryan was out quickly (no nap) but I was jazzed from the sugar and two cups of tea, so I stayed up until 12:30 doing laundry, cleaning up downstairs, and finishing my 950-page book on Truman I started seven months ago.

He dies at the end, hate to break it to you.

Today was utilizing a 10% off coupon at Home Depot, although Ryan was a little grumpy having bonked his eye into the corner of a table and then tromped around in a puddle which HEY LOOKIE THERE AT THAT got his shoes, socks, feet, pants, and legs all wet. Bought a cart load of lawn supplies (Ryan helped push), then worked on de-dorking the mud-stacked rock pile behind the air conditioning unit. I just need to go back twenty-seven more times for grass seed.

Our daughter turned 3 months old today.
Which is amazing, considering that she's only slept for eighteen minutes her whole life.


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