October 21, 2008

Three At Last

Well, he made it.
Despite the fact that Erin was up from 2 to 4:30, we didn't want to hold that against the first-born, and decided not to cancel his birthday.
Ainsley had the wonderful idea (another one!) of driving up to the Pentagon so he (and she) could see where Daddy works. It's been a relatively slow week, so it was the perfect time to meet them at the visitor's entrance and show them around. It was interesting carrying a sleeping daughter (huh!) in my arms, all pinkle* dress and white tights and cute shoes snuggled in my flight suit sleeves, while Ryan stomp stomp stomp down the corridors, sliding his hand along the wall.
*pinkish purple. I'm sure Ainsley knows the proper term.

I even left work at 4 to go home and help with the real celebration, as Ainlsey's folks had driven in from the mountains. We opened as many presents and cards as we could -- movies from his Nana, art supplies from his Eshners, a cool Santana Moss Redskins doll from someone who modesty prevents naming -- before piling in the car to meet Grandad and the Boivins at a restaurant in Lorton.* Where of course one of the tables was stacked to the ceiling with presents.
*Ainsley had asked Ryan if on his birthday he would rather have pizza or go to a restaurant. His response: "Pizza at a restaurant."
Unfortunately, Ryan has caught another terrible cold, so every other breath was a coughing fit as he struggled to comprehend the hermetically sealed but colorful presents from our dear friends. Plus Grandad got him his first baseball mitt and a wristwatch that glows in the dark like Daddy's. Though his favorite present seems to be the Air Force One Bump n Go airplane, which without the batteries neither bumps nor goes, but Ryan just adores anyway. He kept asking for it while opening other gifts, and even took it to bed with him. So well done Aunt Sara!

Ainsley took the Santana Moss doll to bed, too, so I don't feel so bad.


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