November 19, 2008

Cold Weather Drill

I know I’m exothermetrically challenged, but this time of the year gives me the pip and I don't want a pip. We’re in the middle of a slight cold snap, meaning everyone else is freezing and I begrudgingly put on an unzipped jacket in the mornings on the way to work. Inevitably whomever’s car I get into in the slug line has his/her heat blasting, so I suffer through twenty-three minutes of free HOV furnace service, casually putting the back of my hand up against the cold passenger window to try to reregulate my temperature.
Plus the other day I was ten yards out of the office before remembering I even HAD a coat, which was only important, I told my co-workers upon my return, due to the car keys in the pocket.
I’d heard that today was going to get colder in the afternoon, so last night I grabbed my gloves from the hall closet and stuck them in my bag.
Which wasn’t so useful since they were both for the right hand.
Stupid dark gloves in a dark hallway.


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