September 27, 2005

Meet the Fokkers

I'm a little Wright Brothersed Out.
My dad rode back with me to Dayton Thursday night (arrival time -- 3:24 am) and spent the long weekend exploring the area's extensive Aviation Trail. We hit the Wright Brother's refurbished 1896 bicycle shop/museum, Huffman Prairie Interpretive Center, Carillon park with the original 1905 Wright Flyer III in which the brothers perfected the art of flying, and the National Museum of the US Air Force, with everything from WWI planes, gliders, and dirigibles, to training versions of the F-22, B-2, F-117, and Global Hawk, plus the capsule from the Apollo 15 mission, plus plus plus....
The information started to overlap at some of the sites, so I could probably tell you everything the Wright Brothers did from 1985 to 1905, where they went, what their aerodynamic theories were, and what their favorite cereal was.
(Fruity Pebbles.)
But it's just an amazing feeling to live where manned aviation started. And the museum is too much to see in one day, as some of the items require a certain level of absorption. I mean, the box on the wall with the tachometer cable for the plane in which Baron von Richtofen's was killed... has the tachometer cable from the plane! It's like looking at Washington's toothbrush or something.
I took Dad to the airport tonight, and I have three days left of mini-vacation before next quarter's classes start on Monday. For which I already have homework.
I was going to say 'I should have become a pilot', but there are a bunch of them in my class, so I'd still be stuck here.

... the cable!


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