November 18, 2005

My First Political Post

Something occurred to me this evening about this media-intensive frenzy we call life:

Now -- granted, there have been a lot of important things going on lately that would take our minds off this, but:

Sure, he seemed like a real dillhole, dressed like your seventh grade social studies teacher, and had the face of a walrus (or a shrink-wrapped Wilford Brimley with a bad toupee), but:

It's been three and a half months now (I had to look it up; I had forgotten when it was), and to my knowledge, United States Under the Table-Ambassador-Appointee John R. Bolton has not caused the UN to melt into the East River nor compelled Kofi Annan to run around naked begging begging for Boutros Boutros-Ghali to come back.

Can we now put a moratorium on future hubbubbery?


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