Months to Kill
Still annoyed that I have classes four days a week as opposed to just Monday and Wednesday like I'd planned originally until AFIT decided to change my schedule; now I'm left on base with planet loads of free time, even after doing homework, checking my e-mail, catching up on the Air Force Times, eating a lunch, and making up stuff. Yesterday I decided to walk down the hill to the National Museum of the Air Force's Annex hangar (I wasn't even sure if individuals were allowed in, or if you had to be part of a tour), where they have R&D aircraft, engines, bombs -- even an old ICBM training room -- from the last sixty years on one side, and old presidential aircraft on the other, including the bird that took FDR to Yalta, the plane upon which Truman signed the documents establishing a separate Air Force in 1947, and the jumbo jet that ferried JFK back from Dallas and hosted LBJ's inauguration (the plane was used through the Reagan administration).
Since I'm flying home on my usual Thursday volunteer day, I headed down to the Humane Society and had a great day walking dogs for 2.5 hours. I'm sorry they don't have a picture of Snoopy, an adorable beagle, or Derby, and Fiffer and Chudo are STILL (still!) there, but I didn't let that spoil my mood. Especially after getting good slobber time with Tigger
, Black Jack
, Kris Kringle,
and Sundance here.

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