Squirt Impressions
What a grand week, getting to know my son more and interact with him in a hop-on-pop kind of way. He's just too cute words. And he's a huge flirt, smiling at any woman silly enough to make eye contact. It's enough to forgive him for ripping out my bellybutton hair when I change his diaper.
I'm still amazed at all his uberawake mother has been able to accomplish, and felt good those few times I could get Ryan to fall asleep in my arms....rock a bit...transition from the bicep to the palm of the hand...rock a bit...and down gently to the crib, hovering over him, breathing in his ear, letting him know I was still close. And Sunday, for the first time, I actually got to wake him up. Usually he wakes himself up and we respond to his coos or cries or stuffed animals being thrown up against the door. But Sunday he and Ainsley had an appointment, so I got to see how he wakes up. I turned on his mobile, and he started somewhat at the music, then fell back asleep. I rubbed his chest, and he sighed and stretched and the eyes blinked open, and as I slid my hands underneath him, he instinctively curled his legs up into a ball (perhaps he's part armadillo) -- he felt like he weighed two pounds. Very awwww-inspiring moment.
Also glad he got to meet his paternal grandmother, and that we picked out a name for her. "Grandmother" is too formal of course, and we already have a "Granny" (plus the dogs were confused when we said "granny" because they thought we were saying "granddad" and ran to the front door). She had suggested "gran", but that sounds like a breakfast fiber. She didn't want to be Nana, and we didn't want her to be Lola. And "Okeyfanokey from Cascogie" is just too much of a mouthful. So, in the spirit of wanting to be both unique and polysyllabic, she will be heretofore known as CeCe. Yes yes.

Ryan just needs to hurry up and push his teeth through so he and his mere can get some shuteye. And so I can teach him about the finer things in life you can find on an Outback(tm) Menu.
I tried to keep my packing away from the dogs' eyes but Bailey seemed to sense that yesterday was Black Sunday: the return to Dayton. I got all play misty for me when Ainsley told me that she (Bailey) was curled up in the dark foyer, by herself, waiting for me to come back.
I'm still amazed at all his uberawake mother has been able to accomplish, and felt good those few times I could get Ryan to fall asleep in my arms....rock a bit...transition from the bicep to the palm of the hand...rock a bit...and down gently to the crib, hovering over him, breathing in his ear, letting him know I was still close. And Sunday, for the first time, I actually got to wake him up. Usually he wakes himself up and we respond to his coos or cries or stuffed animals being thrown up against the door. But Sunday he and Ainsley had an appointment, so I got to see how he wakes up. I turned on his mobile, and he started somewhat at the music, then fell back asleep. I rubbed his chest, and he sighed and stretched and the eyes blinked open, and as I slid my hands underneath him, he instinctively curled his legs up into a ball (perhaps he's part armadillo) -- he felt like he weighed two pounds. Very awwww-inspiring moment.
Also glad he got to meet his paternal grandmother, and that we picked out a name for her. "Grandmother" is too formal of course, and we already have a "Granny" (plus the dogs were confused when we said "granny" because they thought we were saying "granddad" and ran to the front door). She had suggested "gran", but that sounds like a breakfast fiber. She didn't want to be Nana, and we didn't want her to be Lola. And "Okeyfanokey from Cascogie" is just too much of a mouthful. So, in the spirit of wanting to be both unique and polysyllabic, she will be heretofore known as CeCe. Yes yes.

Ryan just needs to hurry up and push his teeth through so he and his mere can get some shuteye. And so I can teach him about the finer things in life you can find on an Outback(tm) Menu.
I tried to keep my packing away from the dogs' eyes but Bailey seemed to sense that yesterday was Black Sunday: the return to Dayton. I got all play misty for me when Ainsley told me that she (Bailey) was curled up in the dark foyer, by herself, waiting for me to come back.
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