March 09, 2006


When Bailey lived in North Dakota, and I had to live underneath it for 24-hour ICBM-minding satellite-TV-watching shifts, she would stay with her good boxer friends Patton & Ripley. It was a strange relationship, that threesome. Apparently, they hated most other dogs, but got along swimmingly with Bailey. And it was great not having to worry about her while I was on alert -- I could just drop her off on my way in in the morning, and she would let herself upstairs and curl up next to the sleeping dogs -- sometimes the owners would wake up and see her there, without having heard me open the door.
Their owner happened to be assigned to AFIT, too, so I got to petsit them a couple times. Unfortunately, Patton passed away late last year, and Ripley had to be put down yesterday.

You would think the Air Force would have come up with some kind of technology by now to make dogs live as long as elephants.

I'll look into it.

As it is, I'm completely done with one class -- turned in an 18-page paper on satellite communications and crosslink technology, and after a LONG deliberation (.8 sec) decided not to take the optional Final Exam (since I got a 96 on the mid-term). One class tomorrow, then I'm done with that one (no Final); then a Final exam next Wednesday in MacroEconomics, which will be a bear, but I have four days to study for it...

Then I get to see my family and break the news to Bailey.


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