August 07, 2006

Pop in le Pew

Though I cannot account for my wife's whereabouts for half of 2005 and 2006, I'm pretty sure that Sunday was Ryan's first time in a Church.
At least outside Mommy's belly.
A friend of Ainsley had invited us to her son's baptism in Manassas, and I for one was confused at first. I've never been to a baptism before, save my own, back in the day, when hybrid cars were half horse and digital cameras were only found on the Jetsons and Mr. Spock's night stand, but I've seen pictures of other people's. Always a family photo, parents and godparents surrounding a pastor and a bucket and kid in a big white wind sock. So I assumed the baptism was just a baptism. But when we got to the church, there was nothing going on in any of the back rooms (except I did find a table with name tags and a sign that said "please fill out a nametag" and I'm all about nametags -- "Ryan's Daddy" I put, since none of her friends really know me, but Ryan's famous). We walked into the back of the main church just as the main organ kicked in for the first hymn, so we stepped out briefly. Is this it? Are we here? Then Ainsley spotted her friend up front -- so the baptism was just part of a regular service. So Ryan got to stare at the stained glass windows and flirt with the lady behind us.

Afterwards, the baptisee's mum (she's British) invited us to her home for a huge spread, so Ryan got to hang out with his little friends he's been hanging out with since he was born. And I got to work on his balance (wasn't even touching him with my left hand!)


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