July 13, 2007

Sugar and Spice and Fallopians

I do not have toe fungus.
This per the nurse practitioner who read my lab results.
One (one being Ainsley) still wonders why my leetle toenail is the color of a chick-pea and the consistency of Sweet & Lo, but according to military medical science, I am completely healthy.

Loving Wife: "Whatever, Mister Mushroom."

I think "Mr. Mushroom" would be a great name for a restaurant. Italian. Maybe a pizza joint. Radio jingle would be difficult, as nothing rhymes with mushroom.

In other news, we're having a baby girl.
And based on her activity during the ultrasound, a baby gymnast. She was bouncing around in there like Stephen Hawking on the Vomit Comet.
"Sit still!" I whispered into the blue goopy belly button, so the unfortunately named Dr. Scott Petersen could get a good view of her heart, brain, and ... thingy. Whatever girls call it. "Roo," in French, I'm told, making it illegal to call my dog by her nickname (Bailey-Roo) in Quebec.

But now we get to talk to Ryan about having a sister. It's pretty cool. Assuming he has enough time away from the high school football field to protect her from losers.


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