August 05, 2007

Weakened Weekend

Spent three hours yesterday and nine hours today emptying, sanding, chipping, sweeping, decaulking, degrouting, brushing, slicing, taping, recaulking, and at long last, painting the inside of the sunroom.
The first week of August.
During our biggest heat wave of the year.
Making me grumble at the cereal-box sized paint brush at the end of my arm, "sure would have been nice if this thing were done in April like they'd promised..."
A pair of kudo for my dad, toughing it out with me, precariously balanced on two ladders (one each, mind you), as we got through the hardest part today, the angled roof and skylights. The walls should be a relative breeze, with a cool front and partly cloudy skies for the window and door framing. Then we can tackle the landscaping. Oh. And the fireplace. And the gutters. And the shed.
Sure is nice not to be bored.

Ryan's teething again, this one coming way down from somewhere near his orbital bone, it seems. So he's been acting very 'two-ish'. We try to keep him otherwise entertained, me teaching him the difference between "high five" and "low five", and encouraging him to sing The Wiggles' "Hot Potato" while alternating his fists. It comes out a blurred "hopitayhopitaya..." without any semblance of a tune, but it's the cutest damn thing in the world. Which is better than him slapping the dogs. Though it's hard to discipline the boy when I say forcefully, "HEY Now..." and he repeats "hey now!" and Ainsley cracks up.


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