July 15, 2007

Sugar and Sugar and Falatenights

The theory that states that if some sugar keeps the boy up at night, then eight times that will make him sleepy has been proven unaxiomtic.
Saturday morning, Ainsley hosted a baby shower for an old water aerobics cofloater working on her second string at Chuck E. Cheese -- most of the invitees had young children, so she figured it would be more fun for them (and whatever Dads showed up) to have games to play rather than watching adults open mommirific presents and discuss swollen feet.
Ryan wasn't into the riding video games much, but loved riding the Barney car, carousel, and Chuck E. Cheese Phot O. Vehicle, and loved LOVED loved throwing little basketballs into the bas-ket-baw HOOp (he nothing-but-netted two of his first three shots with me holding him up five feet away from the rim). Nothing like Pizza at 10:30 and big pieces of cake for dessert. He actually went down for a nap, but woke up to be dragged across the street to our neighbor's birthday party for their two-year-old...where they had two more bas-ket-baw HOOPs set up on the deck, into which Ryan threw a basketball, football, green rubber ball, and red ladybug ball. Anything to avoid the birthday boy and his weird jerky friends who didn't know how to say please to an adult and just loved throwing tantrums and shooting water pistols and throwing balls at people's heads.
Tried to avoid another round of cake, but it was thrust upon us. I had to go help Mimaa pick up Grandpa and my 6-year-old nephew David from the airport (he's spending a week at the barn), but Ryan was still awake when we got home at 9pm and didn't come off his sugar rush until well after 10:30. Poor lad. All goofed up and nowhere to go.


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