July 31, 2007

Weak work week

I got paid very little for combating weapons of mass destruction last week. Only went in to the office Monday and Wednesday. The Good Colonel was with us all week table-sawing us a new and improved household per his daughter's instructions and grandson's guidance -- I was able to take one day off to help out and try to pretend like I live here, and the last two of the week to take him and my dad to West Point (more on that later).

It really is remarkable what this man can accomplish. He built a 6-foot by 4.5-foot cabinet to fill a dead space by the hot tub and give me a place to store chemicals, towels, magazines, what have you. We demolished two leftover cement platforms from the old back deck. With my Dad's help, we dug out and built the framing for a new landscaped step to replace the mound of mud we had and provide a pathway to the patio. We dug an eight-inch trench ten feet long to mount and bury a piece of fencing under the deck so the dogs can't get out. We hung the bicycle trailer on the side of the garage wall. We fixed a drooping fence. We dug up and moved a two--foot diameter bush. We added three pieces of T-111 to an unsightly portion of the sunroom addition and made it more sightly. We shoved rope caulk into gaps between the window frames and the walls. We added legs to a platform I'd built to form a Ryan-sized table for coloring and whatnot. He started to build a cat tree. One thing after another, for four days. The man is a machine.
Who shuts off at 5pm for beer. My kind of hired help.
We paid him handsomely with SunChips and a couple meals out, but as an early riser, he was usually in bed by 9. Unfortunately, that hampered our ploy of getting Ryan into his crib and walking/sneaking out, lest crying wake up grandpa, so I had to stay with him until he fell asleep -- this being a superfun energetic week for him, he didn't fall asleep until anywhere from 9:45 to 10:30.
So before our computer crapped out the end of the week, that is why blogging is late this week.
Stay tunish.
If only to find out why I'm typing rather adroitly with bandages on my left hand.


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