October 22, 2007

Guess who turned 11?

Well, he has a little trouble with the mechanics of putting up two fingers, so he puts one finger up on each hand and smooshes 'em together.
Ainsley's parents arrived on Saturday for the celebratory weekend, jumping to work immediately (per usual) digging up a couple bushes from the front yard which were bogarting good air space from the azaleas, and putting them in my mostly pre-dug holes in the back yard by the patio.

Ryan helped by getting his garden gloves good and muddy.

We were worried that Griffin would get all spray-y on them, so Mrs. Foulds said we could get an anti-urination spray. Ainsley said she would use it on Bailey in the wee hours
when she whined to be let out.

Said she would call it "Piss Off."

Comedy is her second job.

Sunday we had a hearty breakfast in the cool morning sunroom, then my dad came over to help walk the dogs with the Colonel while the ladies whipped up a cheeseball. As ladies do. Ryan found a white balloon, walked backwards, spotted airplanes miles up in the sky, and generally impressed the pants off his elder generational relations.

Thankfully he went down for a nap, just in time for the start of the Redskins-Cardinals game, where nachos, veggies and artichoke dip, and appropriate levels of beeah were enjoyed by appropriate non-preggipeople. Ryan awoke and the Boivins arrived, in time for a nail-biter of an ugly finish to the game, with a failed 2-pt conversion, recovered on-side kick, and missed field goal keeping things awful close to spoiling the Redskins-themed birthday party.

Good thing he got a Clinton Portis jersey. Went with his football birthday cake.

Ryan also got a mini-acoustic guitar, a "I'm the Big Brother" t-shirt, some books, DVDs, and the big hit, a rocking horse that sings and whinnies when you squeeze his ears.

He enjoyed it all, behaved himself, and charmed the bejeezuz off of everyone, again just amazing us with how smart and fun and happy he is. He did out-distance everyone at night, still gabbing away in his crib while the rest of us tried to go to sleep...

Apparently he did start to cry when his Mimaa and Grandpa went to leave this morning, causing Mimaa to cry in return, promising to come back next week for Ainsley's baby shower....


Blogger Beth said...

Baby shower...??

7:06 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

grown-up bath?

9:19 PM  

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