April 06, 2008

Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Weathermen

ALL WEEK. Rain Saturday, Nice Sunday. Thunderstorms Saturday, better Sunday. Okay, rain all day Saturday, maybe into early Sunday, then clearing.
Boy, did we ever pick the right day for a barbecue, we're thinking.
Saturday? Gorgeous. Toasty. Washed the car. Kids down the street bathing in big tubs of ice cream. Penguins in swimtrunks.
Sunday? Pissing rain all day. ALL DAY.
Despite a couple phone calls inquiring if we were canceling, we had a ton of folks show up, including about 20 kids, most under the age of 3. We learned several things:
1. Nice to have a covered front porch. No bbqing under an umbrella for this hombre, no senor.
2. Nice to have a sunroom, even on a cloudy day. Good for ten or so folks, assuming four of them have already graduated from grade school.
3. Things were relatively calm until people started leaving; with more room for the molecules to bounce around, the kids got a little more feisty. It was all I could do from keeping the Smith kids from smashing my guitar into the treadmill.
4. Don't believe the gauges. Running out of propane could be disastrous. Thank goodness for the George Foreman my dad bought me 8 years ago.
5. Speaking of, Grandad will make a great babysitter when he retires. For anyone! He was great with all the kids, even strangers. He's in the book! Use him!
6. I didn't know we had that many toys.
7. I didn't know all our toys came apart that easily.
8. My son loves rice krispie treats. Seems we ARE related.

Everyone gone, we collapsed in a heap of dishes and Hasbro flotsam & jetsam, the dogs trying to find a few square inches of carpet in any room to lie down on after spending the better part of the day in their room or outside in the mud. Having missed a nap, Ryan was leaning on his hands on the arm of the couch watching TV, so we shoved some dinner in him and shot him up to bed, out and snoring 2 hours earlier than usual. We joined him soon after. But I had to put his Lego Mac Truck back together. Just had to.


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