April 07, 2008

Ryan's Brush with Metaphors

I was late getting home from work, so dinner was late, bathtime was late, and I was no help(ish) down in the basement showing my daughter "Star Wars III" on TV. Okay, she was dead asleep. But that was the point of me being away from bouncipants, giving Ainsley one-on-one time with Ryan, and also giving her room to pack their bags for the trip to Williamsburg.

Getting late into the 8 o'clock hour, Ryan down in the kitchen with me while I'm one-arm-feeding the dogs, then coaxed him back upstairs to go help mommy pack, trying to encourage her with one of my favorite phrases:

"Ryan," I say to him, "go tell Mommy to 'pack like the wind'".

So he walks in to Mommy's bedroom, sees her grabbing socks out of her drawer

wait for it

and blows on her.


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