May 28, 2008

Bippity Boppity Bjorn

Spent Memorial Day morning out and about (after posting the flag and taking the dogs, dude, and dad for a stroll), buying a sharp blue blazer for my next job schmoozing foreign diplomats, then a quick bite at Panera Bread before mandatory nap time.
Erin doesn't know the meaning, this word, 'mandatory'.
After nursing for an hour, she would not be swayed, so Ainsley brought her down to me in the garage so she could try to get a wink and a half of sleep.
I had been re-organizing the contents of the garage, putting winter stuff (shovel, kindling, tiki lamps) in the shed and moving other things, so I strapped Erin in to the front-loader papoose and let her hang out with me.
I tell you, it's hard to sweep when you've got to look past someone's big lump of a head.
I don't know how women do it. If you follow.
We watered the grass and hosed off the leaves on the patio/hot tub, climbed up onto the back deck walls to cut down some dead branches, even climbed up a ladder to drill some holes in the garage to hang up the auxiliary stroller.
Erin didn't care for the sawdust much.
Other than that, she was a trooper for a good ninety minutes, though I needed a new back at the end of it.
Oh, she also didn't like me accidentally spraying her full in the face with the hose.
My bad.


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