May 17, 2008


Well, they didn't call it "Marsh Trail" for nothin'.
I'd wanted to take a hike the last few weekends, but weather and life got in the way; today was beautiful, though, and Ainsley even invited a couple of her friends and their kids to join us on a little exploration of a series of trails I drive by every day on the way to work. It was mostly woods, crossing over little creeks and winding up and down wooded slopes, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, watching bugs, hearing woodpeckers, holding hands. Then we hit a wall in the form of The Virginia State Park Association Running Out Of Money and halting a maintained, graveled path in the middle of our only path, which would have been fine if we hadn't gotten a a cubic hectare of rain the last week. Each adult saddled up a wee'un in their arms (I already had Erin strapped on my chest in the BabyBjorn) and tried to find solid footing through the sludgy puddles and prickly thorns, mud up to everyone's ankles. Really bothered one of the girls, who had only worn sandals with her jeans, to go with her purse (for holding her High School Musical Lotion, of course). After finding terra firma, Ryan didn't want to be put down, so I had him on my shoulders, trying to keep his feet away from Erin's head.
So we'll be sticking to walking the Mall next time.

Finally got the bike and trailer down from the garage ceiling, tires inflated, cobwebs dewebbed. Took Ryan for an inaugural 2008 ride yesterday, and he did great, with no complaints about snapping on his helmet, or trying to throw his water bottle out the flap. Took advantage of the nice day today to ride my bike to the library, so I've done my part for oil conservation. Prices should be plummeting any day now.
This, after having a bear of a day, Ryan-sleep-wise. I was up four times with him between 3 and 4 am -- he just wouldn't stay asleep -- until I finally just dragged my pillow in there and made him happy just lying on the floor next to him (and falling asleep for an hour, cold and blanketless *music swells*). Same thing at naptime -- I'd give him the father-son high-five, get downstairs, and he'd be crying for me on the monitor. So I went back and got on the floor, until he asked for the pillow I was using. So I got up to leave.
Ryan: "Lay down on floor?"
Daddy: "Can't! I don't have a pillow -- you just took it from me. So I guess I'll go."
Ryan: "...lay down on your arms?"
Ryan's getting so big -- walking down stairs as an upright hominid, even the big honkin' step off off the front porch, no hands needed, and he's a quarter of a smidge away from being able to make the full-circle turn on the tricycle. He's also able to mimic large words like "unanimous" and "Counterproductive". And crawl into the van by himself. And eat a piece of pizza without having it cut up first.
Ainsley would like him to grow up slower, please.


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