June 29, 2008

Panini Party

Got back yesterday evening, hotel-lagged and incoherent, so Ainsley sent me to bed at 9ish. But not after being amazed at the transformation of my children. Ryan's twoism was magnified by a lack of nap, but he's alluh sudden climbing into his own booster, thank you very much. And Erin is just huge and her hair's touching her ears and she's found a little personality that Ainsley likes to call her "Pterodactyl Voice."
Dad came over the next morning to walk the dogs, and we thought we might try Erin in the wagon, since she's sitting up so well. She made it about halfway before I switched her to the bjorn on my chest. Not done with milestones, Dad decided to throw a baseball to Ryan in the backyard, who twice hit it with a bat. *sniff*
After naps, I told Ainsley I wanted to go out to eat, just the four of us, to celebrate her birthday before her family came to visit the next day. Only instead we went to our newest Panera Bread, where a bunch of Ainsley's friends were waiting with presents (I'd coordinated over e-mail before my trip to the Pacific Northwest). I told everyone not to bring presents, but nobody obeyed. Heck, even I gave her some early gifts, appropriate for the occasion:

  • WD-40

  • Four teas

  • A forty-ounce malt liquor
But her friend trumped me by bringing a huge bag with 40 individually wrapped presents. Hmph.


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