June 23, 2008

I saw no ports

After going to bet after midnight, up at 4:15 to leave the house by 5 to get to Andrews AFB for a six-day TDY with the new gang and 72 of our closest foreign friends. My next boss asked me to tag along as an observer to see what one of the attache trips is like, but at the last minute I was informed that I was also going to be the 3-star general's aide.
We all gathered in the VIP lounge at the terminal, got to watch Condeleeza Rice walk up the steps to her Air Force Whatever airplane, and mingled over coffee. The first person I met was a Turkish general, so I said good morning and asked how he was in Turkish, winning brownie points with the boss standing next to him. I gravitated towards the Aussies and New Zealanders at first, but tried to say hello to a few others until they could figure out who this new guy was.
Charter flight direct to the Air National Guard Base in Portland (Oregon) where we piled into two buses and headed downtown for lunch. The baked crawfish penne was aMAzing, as was watching how a restaurant could be organized to feed 80 people.
The numerous attache spouses that came on the trip (~30) headed off to see some Japanese Rose Garden, while we took the attaches to some briefings from the base leadership and some hands-on equipment demos, before heading to our hotel and a coat-and-tie dinner next door. After I lost my general at the hospitality suite while talking to the British Air Commodore (one-star equivalent) about the Civil War (both ours and his), I figured it was time to turn in (but put an ear to the general's door next to mine to ensure that's where he'd ended up). Went to bed around 11, or 2pm east coast time.


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