June 15, 2008

Look Mighty Cute in Them Genes

Twas a great weekend, and not just because we got our babysitter back.
My father returned from a near-fortnight in Italy and England, after tragicomically requiring us to drive him to the airport on two successive days after Dulles decided to close down with an armada of airplanes stuck on the taxiways, unable to take off in never-ending storms.
Erin had an inquisitive look on her when he came over to tell us about his trip, as Grandad had been gone for 8% of her life. But she was proud to show off her sittin'-up skills and chewin' on stuff skills and wearing a strawberry dress skills.
Saturday Ainsley took Erin grocery shopping in the early morning, so Ryan and I slept in until 8:15. Still reveling in my academic freedom, I did yard work, trimmed trees, sat in the hot tub, cleaned out my Basket o' Crap with expired coupons dating back to March, and did absolutely nothing worthwhile on the computer. (Youtube is really amazing for watching obscure 80's metal videos.)
A friend of Ainsley's had a Hawaiian-themed cookout, so we all dressed in our finest flowered frocks complete with patriotic Flag Day leis, and were glad to see at least two other people with flowered shirts. There were five or six other kids there, all under 5, so a bit of a madhouse with kids running in circles, spilling bottles of bubble juice on the porch, throwing beads. Ryan played by himself for a time, but he finally got into the spirit of togetherness, and contributed his own unique style of tongue-flapping babble that the other kids joined in on.
Plus, this amazing kid of ours, is the type of child who, entirely on his own, finishes his lollipop, walks twenty feet into the kitchen, lifts up the lid to the garbage can, and throws away the stick.
Of course, his second lollipop had him bouncing off the walls at home at 8 o'clock, right when Erin crashes hard, so trying to get these two to bed at the same time is a challenge. (Friday night, Erin watched a KISS concert with me until finally falling asleep at 11:47.)
Father's Day was fantastic, festooned with gifts and cards and creamcheesey spinachy eggs and biscuits. Later in the morning, we worked on the Father's Day Gottrich Family Project, getting everyone (even the pets) to dip a hand/paw in paint and slap it on a white shirt for me to enjoy in perpetuity. It was kind of a pain, particularly the offended pets, but it really turned out lovely. I tried to take Dad out to see Indiana Jones 4, but it was sold out, so we went back home, scooped everyone up, and took them out to Hard Times Cafe, which has become our staple for quick hot food, and the Cheers to Ryan's Norm, since waitstaff are starting to remember us now.


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