July 31, 2008

Potty Training

Ryan now knows that his head will fit through his kiddie toilet seat.

But it will not come back out again.

Note: he was wearing it like a lei, not standing on his head in the bathroom, giving himself a swirlie, cries for help echoing plastically into his portajohnjr.

So that was a fun way to start the vacation. Almost as fun as delaying ourselves 45 minutes looking for one of our cats. I'd packed the van, Ainsley had the kids strapped in, car running, A/C going, but after doing a feline/canine headcount, I was one short. I looked everywhere he usually hangs out, and weird places he doesn't (tubs, closets, guitar cases, garbage disposal). No sign. Ainsley looked. No sign. I was worried that he had run out of the garage door while I was passing in and out with luggage, so I walked up the street to the look down neighbors' yards while Ainsley looked inside top to bottom once again. Finally decided to drive slowly up the street and then try the park and woods behind our house, which confused the dogs no end because they had already started their back yard freedom party. No Tucker. We figured he would show up eventually, and Dad the Ubersitter would find him sitting on the porch that night. We drove one last time back home, letting me check the front hedges again while Ainsley went inside to fetch a cat treat container to shake...

and who should come walking down from upstairs, yawning in a hey, you still here? sort of fashion.

No idea where he had been. Little $*#@.

After dropping off a birthday present for a friend of Ainsley's, we were finally on the road to Barnwhere, where a lunch awaited us. We then split up so we could try to get our kids down for a nap, and I decided, what the hell, first time in years, I'll take a nap, too. It was wonderful. I think I fell asleep before Ryan did. He was probably confused. But we were a tired bunch. Erin ended up sleeping 7 hours straight that night.
Ainsley was probably confused.


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