September 22, 2008

The Fantastic Four

Finishing up a three-day weekend, courtesy of the boss letting me take back some time lost prepping for my last TDY. The good news is I've stopped dreaming about the trip, which had started to permeate every molecule of my soul. The bad news is that I've started dreaming about running for president (I concluded that despite the fact that Obama couldn't remember the words he was kareokeing to, I didn't stand a chance but might become Secretary of Defense and wondered if I were too young), and being on the receiving end of a WWII-era bombing raid when I was happily sitting by the pool with Eric.
Tink, tink, said the bomb that landed, but did not explode, next to the jeep about twenty-five feet behind me.
Friday we had a "do" at the Canadian Attache's house, and Ainsley got to come thanks to the brave and talented child-handling skills of one of her friends. I was glad she got to meet some of the folks I work with, as well as a bunch of the attaches.
Ainsley had appointments Saturday morning, so I spent a good four hours with the kids myself, out at Fair Oaks Mall, getting fruit cups and chicken nublets into both, after having to almost give up on the whole adventure when I couldn't figure out how to open the stoopit stroller and Ainsley was temporarily away from her cell phone.
After naps, I suggested we walk down treacherous Smoketown With No Sidewalks to a new playground by a lake with a fountain and geese. More just a playset than a playground, it was still a lovely evening, hanging out in the grass eating freeze-dried apple chips, toes tickling the grass. Just in love with my family. Just happy.
Sunday I met some new friends of Ainsley who have two sons close to our kids' ages who hail from Alaska and yet still love Mexican food. Their eldest has two enormous stuffed animals, which Erin seemed to appreciate. Not that that's a gift idea hint. We already have enormous stuffed animals, with heartbeats and drool.
Today was another Daddy With the Kids day, and we hung out in Occoquan and ate pizza and fed cheerios to the aquafowl. We hooked back up for dinner, going out for some spicy meat that we told Ryan was called "chili."
So he shivered.


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