November 23, 2008


Had a bit of a scare with the Roo last night -- we heard and felt a huge THUMP in our bedroom at 1:45 in the morning, and a light on had Bailey at the foot of the bed, shaking, whining, and wobbly. It looked like she couldn't control her hind legs, and her eyes were huge. Ainsley hugged her close while she thumped a tail and looked around somewhat maniacally and I got dressed to take her to the vet. We thought it might be a seizure or some kind of stroke, and we assumed this was 'it' for her. Something had snapped, she's done.
But she improved at the vet, and she was diagnosed with some sort of inner-ear problem ("ventribular disease"), akin to how some old people experience vertigo. She was up and walking within the hour, able to drop Bailey Nuggets outside, and bloodwork was negative for anything major. Even her heart murmur she was diagnosed with as a pup was nowhere to be...uh...heard. Got her home to a relieved Ainsley by 4 in the morning.
No one knows why this happens in old dogs, but it does, and it may happen again, or it may not. She seems her old self now, rassling with Dover, tearing down the back steps, eating pumpkin pie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad she is ok. I keep expecting something like this from Knute.

11:25 AM  

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