May 22, 2009

Girl Talk

The below video may not sufficiently highlight how verbose Erin has become. Beyond that, she seems to understand the vocabulary of a preschooler, able to respond with a "mm-hmm!" and a nod when we ask her stuff. Words that have just popped out this month: Bath, Yes ("yeth"), Frog, Flag, Turtle, Purple, Blue, Ball, Bowl, Rhino, Watch, Down, Hawk, Bucket, Shoes, and sort of "All Done" (we get the gist).

Unfortunately, she has also learned the word "no". Not in a bad, talking-back kind of way, but when she's crying and we ask her if she needs A, B, or C, she can tell us "no" and pout out the bottom lip and make us feel even worse about not understanding her immediate vital needs. So that's a hoot.

Worse still is that she seems to be teething again after her gums were in hibernation for the winter, leaving her with 6 teeth for the last 6 or so months. She's drooling, crabby, and getting up a bit more, though still sleeping through* the night more often than not.

*if that's what you count 5:30 in the morning as being

Still, we need her to sleep 16 hours one of these days so Mommy can get healthy. Ainsley's on week four of being sick, now officially with laryngitis, a sinus infection, and probably strep throat. Plus a ridiculous pollen count outside doesn't help. Nor the husband bringing in weird diseases from Morocco.


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