January 05, 2007

Teaching my son the "F" word

Ryan is starting to mimic sounds and mouth shapes, which was fun during Christmas when I'd shake my tummers like a bowl full o' smuckers and go "Ho! Ho! Ho!" slow and low and James Earl Jones-like and he'd try to copy me. (Ryan, not James Earl Jones.) My dad is trying to teach him to say his favorite object since he was a few days old, "fan" (as in ceiling), but the more difficult consonants are a few more weeks away, we feel. In the meantime, he makes cool helicopter sound effects that sound like a gun going off (pkew!), so his other Grandpa is happy.

But besides watching us babble on around him, Ryan also has alphabet refrigerator magnets with a voicebox that explains all the sounds, and every other toy he has can sing him the alphabet. For his birthday, his "Aunt" Sara got him a caterpillar with a different letter on each leg that, when you press down on one, plays songs beginning with that letter, says whatever color it is, says the letter itself, or demonstrates how the letter is pronounced. The other night STRICTLY AS A SERIOUS CONCERNED PARENT WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST LITIGIOUS FORETHOUGHT MIND YOU I tried to see what cuss words I could pronounce on the thing.
So far, only "shit." And it takes 1.8 seconds to say phonetically. If you try some other pattern of letters, like "wop" (?) or other rudimentary bad words that end in uck, unt, or inton, the thing just giggles and says "that tickles!" So someone out there was using their heads to protect the one-year-olds from the 35-and-a-halfies.

Thank goodness it still lets you spell out O I C U P. Ainsley gets a kick out of that one.
In an eye-rolling tsking sighing glaring sort of way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trevor used to have a farm push button thing that when pushed very quickly some male person in the family could make it sound like it was saying "Cheap Whore" (sheep horse button pushed almost the same time)

9:28 PM  

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