October 24, 2007

Pentagon Redux

Work is very much reminding me of my last few months at my old job two years ago -- not a lot to do, reading random briefings, waiting for taskers, no one assigning me crap, no one to supervise. I'm waiting for my Air War College correspondence material to arrive via snail boat so I can at least get something done. Due to unfortunate timing, I just missed a couple conferences, and the next ones are in Full Spin-Up mode, with the Major I Don't Really Work For But Who Sure Is In Charge telling me it'd be harder to spin me and the new girl up at this,"the 11th hour", than to just let me not go. 'Cause that makes sense.
As it is, it looks like I might have something to do in February or March.
I keep going back to my old office, using the printer, stopping by the snack bar, returning the odd stapler, seeing what's up in Actual Operations with the old fellers...
We'll see. The branch chief gets back Friday to discuss his Big Vision for me. My partner did tell me that they might use me to teach a Security Cooperation lesson in an upcoming course ... scheduled for the week my wife is due.
So, no.

Tonight we took Ryan to the mall, having been stuck in the house all day due to rain. We tried to get his yah-yahs out by letting him run around the kiosks and down the ramps and in the glassware aisles of "Linen & Things", but the boy is 98% sugar (2% moxie), and was still yammering away in his bed at five minutes to ten.
Mark your calendars for June 17th, 2025, the morning after our daughter graduates from high school: please don't call; Ainsley will be finally sleeping.


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