November 25, 2007

Oanie and Butt

That's how "Ernie & Bert" comes out of Ryan's face. I wonder where he's from, with that silly accent.

We do run possible Baby Sister names by (through) him, to make sure "Stephanie" doesn't come out as "Sheepfart" or something else socially incongruent. One name came out sounding like "Redskins", so that's currently in first place with Mommy...

Meanwhile, the new nursery curtains are up, the bassinet is put back together and in place, the changing cushion is drilled into the table, and the fig newton-sized diapers are stocked. All we need is a contraction or two, and then Ryan has a new roommate. And maybe someone else he can get to act like Captain Feathersword at the dinner table.



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