December 03, 2007


The family came to have lunch with me at work, which was no doubt the best part of my day. Looked forward to it all morning, dreaded the rest of the day when they left. But while they were here it was wonderful. Except when Ryan kept saying he wanted to see the alligator.
We're thinking he meant elevator.
He only picked at the food we shared with him, so I just let him run around the basement/cafeteria area, then helped him up the stairs so he could look down on Mommy and wave, point at the Christmas trees, dance between tables. He charmed.

We've done the math and realized, however, that Ryan is getting a good two to five fewer hours of sleep per day than he should, so we started nighttime preps about an hour early tonight. Unfortunately, they're a little bit longer these days because we have to remove his brain out through his nostrils with a plunger, then wipe Badger-brand wax goop on his chapped lips and nose. But he was holding a ceramic frog wearing a crown from the knickknack shelf (as you do), sitting cross legged on the left side of the changing table while I was finishing up.
I'm protective, but not ohmigod don't ever try anything scary protective. I even hold on to his knee when he's sitting on the bathroom sink when I tilt my head up to gargle. Just to make sure he doesn't go anywhere.
But here he started to lean over to put his frog on the pillow on his rocking chair, and just as I moved to my right, I must have been still lightly touching him, because I felt him flip over, going face-first into the back of the chair and the nightlight, me holding what I think was his leg, preventing him from an all-out smackdown.
More surprised than hurt, he'll be fine.
Me, not so much.


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