April 12, 2008


Spring has sprung, as the tree out front and the porch-guard azae... ezali... azayl...
...bushes have sprouted their annual colorful flowers.
After checking to see if Erin was allergic, we headed out back and christened the back porch with a lite meal after I got home from work yesterday (after Ainsley had spent the better part of the afternoon washing it last Saturday for the BBQ, not knowing that Mother Nature was going to wash it all day Sunday for her). Erin got fussy as dusk fell, but she fell asleep in my arms as I walked around the back yard while Ryan and Ainsley ate a fudgesicle and Dover monitored for drips.

This morning I took the Toyota in to finally get the back of the driver chair fixed, hit Lowe's for gardening supplies, then brought Arby's home for lunch in the cool basement. Ryan was ready with a box and a question: "Watch Fox? Todd and Copper?" he asked, opening the case and handing me the tape. I miss the days when I could pick the trans-meal entertainment.

After Ryan's nap, I did some raking and rock-ing while Ryan got sandy in his box, followed by an all-wiener shower and a bath for Erin while Ainsley took a shower. Squeaky clean all, we had wine & cheese while watching "The Corrs: Live in Concert" video that I CHOSE THANK YOU. Partly due to a hot upstairs, and partly to keep the dogs' daily morning "coughs and farts," as Ainsley puts it, from waking Ainsley-then-Erin-then-Ryan prematurely, I'm sleeping downstairs with 85.7% of our pets where it's cool. Should be a hoot. If I can ever bring myself to turn off the TV.


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