January 20, 2009


Coming down from the high of a bonus four-day weekend, thanks to the federally endistrictized of us being told to stay home rather than battle inauguration crowds, and bolstered by the fact that Erin Leigha slept nine hours straight last night.
It's just a tease, we realize.

Sunday Ainsley hosted a Gal's Night Away From Their Stupid Husbands, or whatever they call it, so I took the wee peas out to look at the fish birds geckos and kitties at PetSmart before stopping off at Hard Times Cafe for chili and hot dogs and fruit cups and cornbread (kids eat free Sundays!). We had a blast, and Ryan was amazingly behaviorant. It's Erin who was the more screechy and throwy, but most everyone else in the joint was engrossed in the NFL playoffs on the big screen. Got 'em home and bathed, and Ryan chatted away with the ladies while Ainsley put Erin down, showing them his grass-eating whale named Ryan (really a blue oven glove).

Erin still surprises me with this growing up thing of hers, with a little-girl personality emerging every day. I was startled by a clear and lucid "apple" coming out of her mouth this morning, and she's thrown out a "kitty" and what a cow says, too ("Voooooo"). Tried to teach her banana ("ba-na") this afternoon, and yesterday reading her books (she does the sign very well), she preemptively danced at the dance part and did peekaboo at the peekaboo part. And she cracks me the hell up by responding to her brother doing the elephant commands from "Jungle Book", immediately echoing his "Company...!" with a hands-spread "Halt!" of her own ("Uh!"). Then waits patiently to answer his "Forward!" with a "March!" (also "Uh!", but we get what she means).

Today Dad came over to watch the inauguration, which is a difficult concept to explain to a 3-year-old who just wants to watch "Rescue Heroes." Not that I remember Ford being sworn in. We probably had lousy internet coverage at the time.


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