February 15, 2009

38? Special.

Slept in until 7:07, what a treat. And if my fifteen-year-old former self could hear me now, he'd put a gun to his head.
The good news is that all of that carrying on at Grandad's house seemed to wear out our daughter, rendering her fitfully sleeping a solid 9 hours.
The bad news is that 9 hours ends at 5 a.m. But Ainsley got up with her and let me snooze another two hours, just like yesterday, just like most days. I have the best wife in the history of ever.
The kids rank up there, too, though, with Ryan quick-stomping his way downstairs when he woke up to wish me a Happy Birthday. Aw. Big hugs, pal.
Yummy cinnamon rolls for breakfast, then Ryan helped mommy with my cake, insisting that it be a cake, and that it be yellow, since I made the mistake of telling Ryan a while back that of the two color cups in the tub, I pick the yellow one, so now he says that's What I Like. So no pumpkin pie for me this year. If you're reading this, Mrs. Lacer, you have my address.

Unfortunately, Ryan turned into a bit of a Grumpy Pill on Steroids, even during a quick walk up the street to get out of the house. He ended up not falling asleep during naptime, even under the threat of not getting to eat any cake, if he didn't. So we knew the evening was going to be a treat with him, mood-wise.
As it was, after we ate cake and opened my presents, he started randomly complaining that his belly hurt. I didn't really believe him, since he'd be fine and rambunctious and annoying and then stop and start to whine that his belly hurt, as if he just wanted the attention.
So he got our attention outside the restaurant when he threw up all over the pier by The Chart House in Old Town Alexandria.
My favorite color is no longer yellow.
Lousy service in a hot, loud dining room didn't help our mood any, and Ryan got sick at the table again (his shoes just took a beating), so we quickly got the check and got everyone home, Erin happily singing and chatting away, Ryan falling asleep, towel in his lap. He got sick twice more in his room, reverting to dry heaves, since he hasn't really had much of anything except a few sips of water since his first episode.
So I'm thinking it's back to pumpkin pie next year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This virus is going through my school and it has been horrible. I'm sorry it affected your birthday. Next time you visit indy I will make sure there is pumpkin pie here! Hope your birthday had some redeamable qualities!

10:52 AM  

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