February 12, 2009

Potty Mouth

Had to go to the dentist yesterday, as the military mandates we go every year for a check-up and cleaning in exchange for all those free paper towels in the men's room.
Before the doctor came in, the assistant, a civilian lady in her mid-forties with a strong African accent, took some x-rays and my blood pressure, then asked a rather odd question, I thought:

"Did ya youse da bat'room?"

Jeez, how long is this exam going to take? I thought that little bowl was just for spitting.
"Excuse me?"

"I sed, 'Do ya use tobacco?'"
Well sure, that's where all the free paper towels are.
The dentist came in, saw my name on the form, and started speaking German inquisitively to me, but I responded in the American. Perhaps I should take up Rosetta Stone again.

If I may have only been teasing before, Erin is a full-fledged card-carrying member of the Bipedal Elite, Squirt Edition. Yesterday it was bending over, picking up toys, and straightening up again, and tonight it was walking hither, yon, and spots in between. She grabbed a two-pound tractor (not to scale) from the toy box and walked across the room with it in one hand. She's even rarin' to hurdle the side of the tub to let her damn self in, thank you very much.
I came home yesterday to everyone outside in record warmth, waiting for me on the porch, like the good ol' days of summer, only now I've got two kids on the sidewalk standing and pointing and acknowledging, with Erin's machine-gun Da-DAT! jetted out between a sparsely-toothed grin. She also really liked me doing the noise a bee makes and copying (sort of):
Me: "Bzzzzzz."
She: "Sssssss."
Last milestone, then I'll leave you to your own recognizances -- she pointed at a picture of herself on the mantel, then pointed at herself. Which really is amazing, because we have no idea who that 3-month-old crabby girl who never slept is in that picture; certainly not the angel we see before us. Because WHOO were those a rough 3...8...11 and a half... months.
In unrelated news, congrats, Chris and Todd on the new additions!


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