February 09, 2009

I love summer

Had a lovely weekend if you discount Ryan getting smacked in the nose with a baseball.
Granted, it's a plastic baseball, and we think his pride was more hurt than anything. Builds character. Hones the instinct to catch. (Or duck.)
A little early in the year for outdoor sports, one would think, but a couple days in the high 60s had everyone out washing their cars like us or walking dogs or going to the park. Erin loves going down the slide, and wants to walk back up it like her big brother (what say you master walking on a flat surface first, there, cricket). And she still loves being pushed in the swing as long as she gets to pretend she's kicking her father halfway across the playground. Big, toothy, squinty grins and chuckles with every pump. Warms the already toasty cockles. As does Ryan's peacock-feather-like emoting for the 4- and 7-year old girls who joined him on the playgrounds, all "look at me" and "I'll show you how to do it." He also busted out a "Thank you for sharing" to his sister all unpromptedly and stuff, swelling his mother's head full of pride bubbles.
You kinda hadta see it.


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